Thursday, July 1, 2010


(JE, UMECHOKA? I think every one of us has seen today’s daily newspapers‐ namely Daily
Nation 31/06/2010 ‐ calmly informing us that the MPs have ever so casually increased their salaries by more than 300,000 /= per month backdated to May 2008 ‐ that’s 24 MONTHS ago!! Don’t resign yourself to accepting this as normal!! IT ISN’T!!)




I’ve had enough,
I need to leave,
For all grace to remain has run out.
I couldn’t handle,
Yet another mantle,
For you to step up on and look down at me.
Na hiyo si siri!!
I can no longer stomach
The nonsense that you’re dishing out,
Dishing out in large enough loads,
To horizontally turn over,
The wall of my patience.
Such decadence,
Will no longer fly with me.
For all this while,
I have chosen to ignore,
All that you have done,
And now my body is sore.
Move over!!
This scene is under new management,
And to a large extent,
I intend,
To route you out.

Why the surprised expression,
That streaks your countenance?
You weren’t expecting,
That the day would come,
When your time would be done,
And you would be evicted,
With such speed and efficiency,
As tissue flushed down the toilet,
A building brought down by dynamite?

For you observed me with such spite,
Called me lazy and dull,
Good‐for‐nothing to be blunt,
Except to submit,
To your whim as you lay it!!
But no more!
For you have fed off the store,
Of my good graces.

I'm done!
Taking in your words,
For breakfast, lunch and supper,
Like I like it,
Like I like the fact it makes me vomit!!
Well today marks the end
Of your dynasty over me.
Today I'm breaking free!!
You beat me down,
For eleven rounds,
But I choose to beat you NOW,
And that’s all that matters!!

1 comment:

  1. So i read in today's Saturday Nation that th minister for Finance rejected th MPs get-rich-quick scheme! Hahaha. Im glad.
