(Ever wondered how it is possible for professing Christians (aka ME!)to practise corruption or dabble in fortune telling or sex-outside-marriage, despite the fact that they KNOW all these to be wrong? This piece is about my own spell of doubt and dissatisfaction.)
The devil walks around with a six-pack!!
But His isn’t from exercise!
His is inspired
by lust, greed, hate, envy, gluttony and telling lies!
So YOU need to exercise;
Sit up, in your seat in God’s service,
Let Him open up your heart,
Let Him open up your eyes.
See, my Jesus is old-fashioned,
Banal even.
He still desires purity, obedience and sacrifice
And that wont pass
Not in this day and age!
Not with the current desire for freedom,
Not with the current laxity and comfort,
Some of the antiques,
We wouldn’t mind as perks to this "Jesus-vibe".
We all love the mercy;
We all implore the grace;
We all crave the blessings
to the end of our days.
But that’s about as far as we want to go... that way!
Anything more,
would be too demanding,
Hell no!!
That’s too vieux jeu,(and that’s French!!)
It’s too outmoded, too démodé!
Surely my Jesus can get with the times!?
All He has to do is forget the outdated clauses,
Clear out the closet,
Spot skinnies, instead of polka dot blouses;
Get this: for the fabric of purity and discipline is so time-worn,
that like a worn-out garment, it’s barely thread-bare!
Meaning that purity and discipline, like a FLAME for your ex,
Needs to be EXTINGUISHED!!
For they’re now inconsequential,
Barely essential,
Distant and dissonant,
Not in accord;
Completely out of consonance,
Like playing different chords!!
Surely my Jesus can be sensitive...
Sensitive and susceptible...
Susceptible to circumstance...
Surely my Jesus can understand?
Good Stuff Chroda. Inspiring
ReplyDelete@james: appreciate it bro!