Friday, February 25, 2011
The devil walks around with a six-pack!!
But His isn’t from exercise!
His is inspired
by lust, greed, hate, envy, gluttony and telling lies!
So YOU need to exercise;
Sit up, in your seat in God’s service,
Let Him open up your heart,
Let Him open up your eyes.
See, my Jesus is old-fashioned,
Banal even.
He still desires purity, obedience and sacrifice
And that wont pass
Not in this day and age!
Not with the current desire for freedom,
Not with the current laxity and comfort,
Some of the antiques,
We wouldn’t mind as perks to this "Jesus-vibe".
We all love the mercy;
We all implore the grace;
We all crave the blessings
to the end of our days.
But that’s about as far as we want to go... that way!
Anything more,
would be too demanding,
Hell no!!
That’s too vieux jeu,(and that’s French!!)
It’s too outmoded, too démodé!
Surely my Jesus can get with the times!?
All He has to do is forget the outdated clauses,
Clear out the closet,
Spot skinnies, instead of polka dot blouses;
Get this: for the fabric of purity and discipline is so time-worn,
that like a worn-out garment, it’s barely thread-bare!
Meaning that purity and discipline, like a FLAME for your ex,
Needs to be EXTINGUISHED!!
For they’re now inconsequential,
Barely essential,
Distant and dissonant,
Not in accord;
Completely out of consonance,
Like playing different chords!!
Surely my Jesus can be sensitive...
Sensitive and susceptible...
Susceptible to circumstance...
Surely my Jesus can understand?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The rain tried to maul me today!!!
It tried and tried to disfigure my face.
This was no usual wet embrace,
But rather the deluge of pluvial primal fury!
It passed a sentence of punishment
Without consulting a jury!
It sent a gust of wind
to whiplash my left cheek into submission,
Then rained hailstones,
the size of golf balls
Without an ounce of hesitation.
It then abruptly changed assault;
And tried to poke out my eyes,
With small leaves and tiny twigs
From the branches by my side.
But even then it wasn’t satisfied...
It commanded its army of droplets
50 million strong,
To assemble in a puddle before me, about as wide as it was long.
I could neither move forward nor retreat
Unlike a beatdown by a bully,
This was the bully getting beatdown!
With this particular barrage
Of what felt like mixed martial arts,
I MUST admit infact,
That I did indeed, concede defeat.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Is like dormant destruction
In that it seeks to make a permanent domicile
Deep down in your spirit;
Making your circumstance a dungeon
From which you cannot dig out of.
For it deceivingly
Magnifies the difficulty
Of the situation indeed
And the solution it offers is to sit and sulk all day.
For despair is dark indoctrination
That offers a PhD in DOING NOTHING!
It spreads like a disease,
Dissolving all will to live,
Promising nothing but demise;
But don’t fall for this deception
For despair is a distraction,
A ploy of the devil
To derail our dreams.
For though often we may trip and drop
And we gather some dirt,
And it seems impossible to brush off the dust,
Duel on!
For despair isn’t our destiny.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
(it wouldn't be so hard to give up if it wasn't so sweet!)
I have an affinity for sugar
And it so happens that my sin is sweet.
When its done
All I'm left with is a desire for more,
As I lick my lips.
For scripture lay it out,
‘For that which I do, I allow not,
For what I would, that I do not,
But what I hate, that I do.’
And so do I!
Yet the sin in its sweetness
Has sanctioned spiritual decay.
It begins as a chipping away
Of my spiritual resistance,
For instance,
My ability
To say no to sin and have the devil flee from me.
It graduates into a throbbing pain,
That thrashes away
Like a madman enraged.
At this juncture sin seems too costly to sustain
Yet steep in sin I stay!
Moving on from pain
To spiritual numbness,
Characterised by gross indifference
To the matters that matter to God!
Like souls being sold for gold,
Penniless widows thrown out into the cold,
Neglect and abandon of our elderly and old;
And yet I boldly
Claim to be one of His own,
Having Him exalted and enthroned,
In my life!
But I lie!
Because in my eyes,
My sin is sweet
And has me licking my lips!