Sunday, March 27, 2011


(Just thinking...what if nobody ever appreciated anything you did...?)

What if I never receive another round of applause?
Would I completely give up the cause?
Would I retire my pen and paper,
Into the archives of my memory
Under the section labeled ‘WHAT ONCE WAS’?
Would I sit down and reminisce
On the days when I had it?
When my words could sway solemn hearts into excitement,
When they could calm stormy waters within souls,
Culminating in an uproar of hand-claps,
Whistles and cheers.
What if today... they jeer?
What if today... I'm not hot?
And I perceive,
That every word passes without conceiving a single thought;
And my words just sit and rot
On supermarket shelves,
Like lost stock?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is a massive digression from poetry....

(Just a thought....)

The premise upon which I will begin and also the point I hope to pass across is that LANGUAGE/ WORDS IS A GOD-THING!!

From scripture here are my deductions:

• God was there in the beginning (Genesis 1:1) and therefore everything that we have is a direct consequence of Him being there before us, for He precedes us;
• God spoke all of creation into existence. The Bible records, “...then God said...
• God then formed man with the earth, “...Let us make human beings in our image, to be like ourselves...” breathed life into him then placed Him in the garden.
• Now God would engage man in conversation in the garden, “When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden...”(Genesis 3:8). But what language did they speak?
• Human speech development tells us that babies learn language by listening and imitation. So is it farfetched to believe that Adam listened and imitated GOD as they had their conversations in the garden?
• GOD taught Adam HIS language and thus language isn’t a man-thing.
• As a matter of fact therefore, all tribes and nations and people across the face of the entire earth, (from Indonesia to Madagascar to some local dialect in the Mexico, to sheng’ in Dandora) speak 1 language = THE LANGUAGE OF GOD!!
• Thus God tells us to be careful what we say with our mouths; to what we profess and to the content of our conversations, for we speak HIS language, not our own!! And this is His instruction;
Ephesians 4:29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your WORDS will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
• Jesus Christ was described as “The Word” that was with God and was God. But why? Because as Simon Peter rightly put it when Christ asked the 12 disciples, “Are you also going to leave?”(John 6:66), Simon said, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the WORDS that give eternal life.”
• Have a new perspective when it comes to what you speak!! Your WORDS.... are really HIS WORDS.

Disagree with me please!! Correct me if I’ve erred!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


(Is sex truly under the Lordship of Christ?)

1 Corinthians 6:13'
"Now the body is not for fornication,
But for the Lord;
And the Lord for the body."

What is the significance of this?